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Our Favourite CrossFit Grips of 2024.


The Best & Most Cost Effective CrossFit Grips of 2024.



What follows is an honest, unbiased review.
Feel free to skip to the sections below if you’re on a time limit.

Picsil – Rx Grips




I joined a CrossFit gym a few years back. Thought I’d see what all the craze was about. To be honest, it was a lot of fun! The trainers were highly qualified, experienced and competent. CrossFit has obviously got a lot of stick over the years, and rightly so in most cases (in my opinion). However, if the principles of CrossFit are strictly adhered to, with good instructors who use the correct training methods and prioritise correcting any dysfunctional movement patterns first, then I think it’s one of the best past times to keep you overall strong, fit and healthy.

Anyway, I could rant on and have a very long conversation with myself about the who’s, what’s, why’s and when’s of CrossFit. I’ll save you from joining me in that experience! I bring up CrossFit because it’s the reason behind why I purchased these grips.

The story goes… I was happily minding my own business, learning how to perform the kipping movement, then incorporating this into toes to bar and chest to bars. Unbeknownst to me, my grip was beginning to weaken. This surprised me, as I considered myself to have pretty decent grip strength, having trained grip for strongman for many years.

The gym was packed, lots of attractive women were training hard, and they were all clearly far more experienced and competent than myself when it came to gymnastic work.

I got to about the tenth toes to bar, when at the exact point my body came to what felt like parallel to the ground, my grip decided to fail me and I fell smack bang onto the floor from one of those super high pull up bars. It all happened within a millisecond.

All those very attractive women in the gym either saw or heard the thump of my body hitting the floor. An eruption of laughter followed! I felt a tad embarrassed to say the least.

This is when I decided to take note of what everyone else had on the hands – GRIPS! But not the weightlifting, deadlift or figure of 8 one’s that I’d used before. No, these were called CrossFit grips.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly no expert when it comes to choosing which ones are the best for you. I know that some have holes, and some don’t. And that’s about the extent of what I feel I need to know!

I can however say that since using these grips, my grip when doing any hanging bar work hasn’t failed me yet!


Picsil Rx Grips

There’s so much kit that CrossFitters have in their military style bags. The ex-squaddie in me does question whether it’s all necessary, or it’s the result of wanting to fit in, or look ‘cool’ for want of a better term. After all, CrossFit can turn into a bit of a cult if it’s allowed to.

As I couldn’t be arsed looking into all the kit CrossFit promotes, I simply asked the lead CrossFit dude what they used. These were on their list. And I’m glad I took their advice!


Delivery/Condition on Arrival

Amazon Prime. Next day. Tracked in real time once out for delivery. Arrived in pristine condition.



Technical Specifications

Color‎3H Orange
Hand orientation‎Left
Material type‎Carbon Fibre
Included components‎2 Hand Grips
Batteries included?‎No
Item model number‎RX0006
Package Dimensions‎45.72 x 30.48 x 0.1 cm; 80 g
(Taken from Amazon)

Build Quality

Stitching is still all intact. No tears to the leather, or new splits/fraying around the holes. The leather does now rest in a naturally curled position, simply due to the extended use they’ve had. You can see that I’ve had to weight them down with a rolling thunder handle in the images above. That happens with all leather though. Simply put, they are standing the test of time so far! And it’s been a good two years now.



Ergonomic Rating

They’re comfy, easy to put on and off, stable, supportive and do wonders for a failing grip. The medium size fit my hands perfectly. I used the size guide on Amazon, which was accurate for me.

There’s small, medium, large and extra large for you absolute behemoths who have shovels for hands. There’s also a G and a G+ size, which appear to not have holes in them. I think you’ve probably gathered by now, I’m no expert when it comes to these grips… but what I do know is that the ‘G’s’ look like they don’t have holes in them!




Hmm. I guess these are used for hanging bar work mostly. They might be used for other gymnastic stuff, but I don’t have a scooby doo about that. I’m going to say they are built for purpose, and not for adaptability. For that reason, they get:



WOW Factor

Hmm. Nope, there’s not a lot of WOW about them. But not everything has to be WOW to be really good at its job.

Wooden spatulas. There’s nothing WOW about them, at all. But since the dawn of man, they’ve been one of the best cooking utensils in the world.

There you go… the Picsil Rx Grips are the wooden spatula’s of the CrossFit world. I couldn’t bestow a greater accolade.




Two years running and as strong as the day I purchased them.




They’re currently up for grabs at £24.95, which I would argue is well worth it if it prevents you looking like an absolute numpty falling off the bar smack bang right in front of a crowded gym 🙂




Total rating: 4/5

Should you:

  • Avoid
  • Consider
  • Shortlist
  • Buy it NOW!

Grab a set below today.

Picsil – Rx Grips

Or find similar options at Amazon and check them out for yourself.


Whilst not writing for FGUK, Tim works as a Physiotherapist, Personal Trainer and is a Retired Ammunition Technician with the British Army. In his spare time Tim enjoys engaging in a whole variety of sports, spending considerable time with his little rascal of a dog, relaxing with his friends and family, but most of all.. geeking out on all things fitness!


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