Consider The Best Adjustable Dumbbell For Your Home Gym in 2024.
What follows is an honest, unbiased review.
Feel free to skip to the sections below if you’re on a time limit.
Bodymax – Selectabell Ajustable Dumbbell
1. Background
2. Delivery/Condition on Arrival
6. Adaptability
7. WOW Factor
8. Longevity
9. Price
10. Final Verdict
Fancy a decent set of adjustable dumbbells, where you can quickly change the weights and not faff about screwing/unscrewing things and storing lots of weight plates around? Well, so did I…
No way did I have the money, or space, to purchase a full set of decent commercial dumbbells back when I dropped some dollar on these bad boys. For a set of 2.5kg to 32.5kg, back then we were talking at least £2.5-3k. Cue the birth of the mechanical adjustable dumbbell!
As with all the equipment we’ve tested so far, not all adjustable dumbbells are created equally. I spent hours/days/weeks/months anxiously agonising over which set to buy. The cheaper ones would be heavily composed of hard plastic which felt prone to snapping if you dropped them after a heavy set. I’d read reviews of working parts seizing up, awkward shaped dumbbells, and severe weight discrepancies (though I recognise most aren’t calibrated, so you’ll always get a degree of inaccuracy).
I recently found out that even calibrated weights may show some signs of inaccuracy. The story goes that since 1889 the kilogram was defined by the weight of a platinum alloy cylinder (90% platinum, 10% iridium), known as the international prototype kilogram (IPK). The IPK itself actually replaced the original (OG) metric unit of measure, the Kilogramme des Archives, which was introduced in 1793.
Replicas of the IPK were distributed across the world, ensuring all kg’s on earth were calibrated to it. These replicas however, had very minor weight discrepencies (I mean, we’re talking really small differences – micrograms μg). These weights would also fluctuate based on things like exposure to sunlight, temperature changes, dust in the air etc. The OG IPK itself is said to have lost 50μg over the last century.
A new standard of measure for the kg was therefore researched. Science boffins in Germany managed to convert microscopic mass into macroscopic mass. They used really scientific stuff to determine how many silicon atoms made up a constant kg of a mass. From thereon in, the new standard of kg has been calculated using something called the Planck constant, h, thereby ensuring variables like the ones mentioned above do not influence the weight of the standardised kg.
ANYWAY, flipping heck I’ve deviated again. What were we talking about? Ah yes, the adjustable dumbbell.
Well, after much research, the OG Bodymax Selectabell Adjustable Dumbbells were the one’s I bought. I did consider the Bowflex and PowerBlock one’s, but the Bowflex reviews at the time weren’t great, and I’d have had to remortgage the house if I bought the PowerBlock ones.
Bodymax Selectabell Adjustable Dumbbell
The OG versions are pretty rare to find online nowadays. Occasionally you may see a pair on eBay. If you do, I’d recommend snapping them up immediately! The build quality is second to none. I dare say that the metal plates will outlive us all. Okay, the paint probably won’t – but do you want these for functionality, or for cosmetic value? You can adjust them with a simple push of a button and twist of a knob. The weight selection starts at 2.5kg (empty handle) and increases to 32.5kg in increments of 2.5kg.
Delivery/Condition on Arrival
I actually purchased these directly from a store down south. I think it was a fitness superstore, but my memory isn’t too reliable when it comes to things like that nowadays! I’ll give myself top marks for transporting them back to my house safely. Their condition at time of purchase was pristine.
Technical Specifications
Weights: 2.5kg – 32.5kg (rising in 2.5kg increments).
Material: Steel, Rubber, Plastic.
Sold as: Single dumbbells.
Storage: Dumbbell stand is optional extra (genuine Bodymax stand – not the chipshop version in this review).
Build Quality
This is second to none. As previously mentioned, at the time, the alternatives were composed of mainly plastic parts which would bend when dropped, rendering them useless because the wieght changing mechanism would no longer work. As these are mostly metal, it avoids any potential for deformation of the weight discs. There is a little bit of plastic that forms part of the handles, but it feels really strong and they’ve withstood years of clanging and banging in my gym without any breakage whatsoever.
The rubber rings that wrap wround the outside of the handles on mine have both split, but this doesn’t affect it functionality as the rubber grip that wraps around the central shaft is still intact. To be honest, even if that eventually perishes, it’s not going to affect function or comfort one bit. If it does, I’d argue you need to work on building some asbestos hands 🙂
Some people have said they’ve needed to use a bit of WD40 on the discs now and again to ensure the mechanism still works smoothly. I remember doing that once, but only because I thought it was the right thing to do, not because the mechanism was sticking.
*dropping .5 only due to the perished rubber rings.
Ergonomic Rating
This is probably the one downside to these. Due to the length of the shaft, it can sometimes feel awkward bicep curling when stood if you like to keep your elbows close in. This is because they can collide into one another when held parallel to the ground. To overcome this, you end up sort of side flexing your trunk.
For all other exercises, they do the job well.
When you consider how much it would cost you to purchase individual dumbbells from 2.5kg through to 32.5kg in 2.5kg increments, and the space they would all take up on a dumbell rack, then these suddenly become really adaptable. The choice of exercise selection is only limited by that of standard dumbbells, so I’d say they get top marks here.
WOW Factor
Considering these were among the first of their kind to introduce the mechanical adjustable dumbbell concept, and achieve it in such an effective, ergonomic manner, they have to get top marks here.
I must have had these well over five/six years now and they’re still functioning as well as they did on day one.
I won’t lie, these were/are on the pricey side. They were however far cheaper than their more expensive counterpart, the PowerBlock. It’s important to bare in mind that they’re priced individually too. I can’t remember exactly how much they cost at the time, and it would be somewhat irrelevant if I could remember anyway, as the price and model have now changed. Although they did set me back a bob or two, it was far cheaper (and still will be) than purchasing a full rack of dumbbells.
On Bodymax’s website, the new model allows weight changes from 4.5kg to 34kg, coming with a two year manufacturers warranty. They’re currently priced at £269 per dumbbell, or £484.20 if bought as a pair.
Total rating: 4.57/5
Should you:
- Avoid
- Consider
- Shortlist
- Buy it NOW!
Fancy a set? Grab them below today 😊
Bodymax – Selectabell Ajustable Dumbbell
Or find similar options at Amazon and check them out for yourself.

Whilst not writing for FGUK, Tim works as a Physiotherapist, Personal Trainer and is a Retired Ammunition Technician with the British Army. In his spare time Tim enjoys engaging in a whole variety of sports, spending considerable time with his little rascal of a dog, relaxing with his friends and family, but most of all.. geeking out on all things fitness!